APEX Network blockchain development progress

2 min readSep 27, 2020


Development status report — #7

Below you will find an overview of development tasks performed over the last two weeks:

Week 38 — tasks completed

  • Reviewed desktop wallet source code and design documents to facilitate integration with ledger app.
  • Created specifications for numerical precision model — enhancements to instructions for handling of calculations, rounding, and comparisons.
  • Implemented event listening and optimised bandwidth for communication via blockchain since APEX Federated Learning can only be conducted through blockchain.

Week 39 — tasks competed

  • Completed approximately 70% of the work on Ledger wallet integration.
  • Defined and documented the APEX blockchain scheme for handing oracles.
  • Optimized code for AFL contract creation using the create2 opcode (instead of the web3 library).

The work done during weeks 38–39 relates to the following items on our roadmap:

2 — Desktop wallet (Q4'20)

· Initial release of the desktop wallet (Late Q3 / Early Q4'20)

· Second iteration of the desktop wallet — feature rich, built-in HW wallet supportQ4'20)

3 — APEX Federated Learning (Q1'21-Q2'21)

· Deploy the APEX Federated Learning smart contracts (Q4'20)

4 — APEX Oracles (Q1'21 onwards)

· Release APEX’s own Oracle Plan (Q3 ‘20)

· Develop the on-chain and off-chain specifications (Q4‘20)

The next development update is scheduled for two weeks from now!

Thank you for your time,


APEX Network




Blockchain Powering the Next Generation of Consumer Applications