APEX Network blockchain development progress

2 min readSep 12, 2020


Development status report — #6

Weeks 36–37 have brought us yet another step further towards release — we invite you to have a look at the latest tasks that have been completed:

Week 36 — tasks completed

  • Migrated parts of the front end code from the web wallet to adapt to the Ledger wallet integration
  • Smart contracts: Optimized the code of the Apex Federated Learning smart contract to reduce gas consumption
  • Optimized the AFL message standard to reduce gas consumption; the witness hash will be uploaded to the blockchain instead of the encrypted tree data structure

Week 37 — tasks completed

  • Adjusted the UI of the wallet to adapt to the Ledger wallet integration
  • Referenced the protocols used by MetaMask and WalletConnect to make the Ledger HW wallet easy to use with our client.
  • Refactored and optimized the AFL data store
  • Provided javascript integration for AFL algorithms using Ethereum’s web3.js.

The work done during weeks 36–37 relates to the following items on our roadmap:

1 — Mainnet Redeployment (Late Q3/early Q4'20)

  • Finish thorough assessment of framework and codebase (Q3'20)

2 — Desktop wallet (Q4'20)

  • Initial release of the desktop wallet (Late Q3 / Early Q4'20)
  • Second iteration of the desktop wallet — feature rich, built-in HW wallet supportQ4'20)

3 — APEX Federated Learning (Q1'21-Q2'21)

  • Optimize encryption scheme efficiency (Late Q3 / Early Q4'20)
  • Deploy the APEX Federated Learning smart contracts (Q4'20)

Stay tune d for the next update coming in two weeks!

Thank you for your time,


APEX Network




Blockchain Powering the Next Generation of Consumer Applications